Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thing #10

After reading the newest task I was motivated to work on my sad library website.   Unfortunately I have to create it using Contribute of which I am not a fan.  I can't seem to get the kinks worked out but I am working on content for now.  I visited the sites that Polly listed for examples & resources and it certainly lit a fire under me to create a website that will be the first place my students go to when they log on the computer. I am working on using Share Book Box - see example below! I haven't been able to get it to work on my webpage but it worked ok here! BookBox: embed book widget, share book list I also loved the idea of the digital portfolio for students and the Professional Portfolio examples given. I will be working over the summer with a small group of teachers about what we need to be doing for our HS Students and I believe the digital portfolio is the way to go!
I met with the photography teacher and discussed creating a library photo contest as seen on the Milipitas High School Library site.
I also saw a lot of book lists..."Twi-Likes:  if you liked Twilight try these..." so I put some work into adding some different book lists to my page as well.
I love the library sites that were blogs..they were engaging, current, fresh  but I couldn't find  a way to add a blog to my already established website....if anyone has any ideas...I would appreciate them!
Now I plan on attacking some pathfinders...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

THING # 9 eBooks

I have sat back ..sort of a wait and see how ereaders & ebooks were going to play out.  I received a Kindle as a present and loved it.  I still love the feel of a book in my hands but the Kindle certainly has its usefullness.  I have purchased the $.99 daily deals that Amazon offers!  I have borrowed ebook through Questar III and my local public library.  Very easy to do....small learning curve.  The public library waiting list was disheartening and it seemed like everytime a book became available and I got the email informing me it was available...I was already involved in another book and had to pass up my spot on the waiting list!
As far as my library...we have 0 ereaders.  I have no $ for technology but 3 years ago I convinced an administrator to buy a few cheap MP3 players for audio books.  That was sucessful and I am really hoping to get into ereaders.
I attended a conference on April about Ebooks - policies & possibilities.  I wanted to see how everyone is handling this emerging resource.  It was both interesting and eye opening from the vendors point of view (the middle man) and the publishers point of view (running scared).  I am sure the publishers will come around - they have to get their product out there they just have to figure out a way to stay profitable.  Another interesting talking point during the conference was paper vs. eBooks and the environmental costs....certainly a topic to look into!
I  learned some of the different options when creating an elibrary.  This is a whole new avenue to explore - the management of the collection will totally change when dealing with digital content - do you own, rent or license??  This is what I hope to tackle over the summer... We had a brief conversation at a Questar III meeting about buying into an ebook collection and I loved the idea but I am wondering what other librarians are doing. 
At the conference vendors discussed the options with ebooks....I did not know they can get a short term lease for 7, 14 or 28 days...there is also the PDA option Patron Driven Acquisition - purchased based on patron use.  And I love Overdrive...especially since they are working on a Browser based reader! WOO HOO!!
So for the assignment I did check out...Lendle which seemed a little involved.  I didn't realize they earn $ when you purchase amazon books through their site.  You have to lend in order to borrow - and you can only lend a book once.  Some publishers do not allow books to be "lendable" which again I think will change in time.  I took a look at ebookfling as can borrow for a Nook or Kindle - here you need credits to borrow or the cost is $2.99 and on LendInk it is not necessary to loan to borrow.  All had similar rules and modes of operation.  BookFriend.Me seemed to be an up and coming site for both the Nook and Kindle.  My favorite site was - well designed, easy to use their pick of the day...simply done well!
I hope that there is more discussion about eBook collections, ereaders, apps ....collection development and management of such collections! 
PS  Joyce Valenza's list of eBooks portals rocks!!  You have to check it out!!  Does this woman ever sleep???

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thing # 8 Databases, Search Tools, Custom Search

Databases...mid-year my district purchased from Facts on File  their Issues & Controversies in American History  and Science Online.  I figured now is the perfect opportunity to play around with them...A nice feature about the Issues & Controversies  was the collection of political cartoons...primary source documents....everything was arranged by era.  They did a nice job...produced good results.  However, the Science Online database blew me away.  I loved the science dictionary,  conversion calculator & science standard all available by tabs at the top.  A teacher who used the NYTimes to introduce science in the news until we couldn't get it uses Science Online.  They have a list of news worthy science topics and always have a Today's Science feature.  You can browse diagrams, experiments, bios, timelines by subject then era, videos and animation.  They hit the nail on the head with this one...easy to use, great is a fun databases to just browse!
Search Tools... I came across and I am now a huge fan.  It has a similar feel to google...but much simpler.  It was one of Time's top 50 websites of 2011.   It promotes more privacy and less spam.    Like google...on its search page its logo changes with events...for example the duck was dressed as Adam Yauch in honor of his passing.  I like the way it presents search results...very no nonsense and relevant.  Google tries to think for you and returns results it thinks you will like.  You and a friend might do the same search but get totally different trying to think for you.  Google tracks your searches and saves them which can be legally requested.  They save your browser  & computer information which leads to all the 3rd party ads.  I really appreciated the list of Apps duckduckgo provided for maximum protection while searching the internet!  I love the Goodies it provides as well!  I think it is a great alternative to the all mighty, all knowing google.
I have also had my students try out SweetSearch....results were good although they seem to miss the bells and whistles of a google search...I tried to explain to them the research experts' input into the results they get...but they were not impressed!  LOL
I was interested in the Custom Search on Google...have not tried it yet but hope to on my list of things to do.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thing #7: Collaborating, Connecting, Sharing

Addition to Thing #6  After working with a student to learn Evernote I am now a fan!!  And I was surprised how many of my students used it.  I think for next year I will try to sell it to some of my teachers....very useful!!! for  Thing #7....I have used GoogleDocs previously however, our computers at school cause it to work sporadically.  I have run into a few issues with what our district has blocked when it comes to "sharing" work.    I am a huge fan of Dropbox.   My district restricts the use of flashdrives and students cannot access their emails accounts so it is a battle having them work on something at home and then wanting to access it at school.  SO Dropbox makes it soooo easy!!  Drag, drop and save!  Woo hoo!!! It took some dealings with my IT department but it works!  I even got my mom on it...I save pictures of her grandchildren and she has no problem viewing them.
I took some time to look into Livebinder again too!  Another great way to share and store information.
I played around with Stixy....I liked it...not sure how I would use it in the classroom.  I seem to run into that with all of these tools.  I think my summer will be revisiting these tools and figuring out ways to incorporate them into the classrooms...getting teachers to buy in!!  I need to find some examples of how they are being used....if anyone has a good place to go let me know!
The last one I tried was Google Calendar!  LOVE IT!!!  I shared it with my family ...we put in our vacations, special dates, birthdays and sharing it is easy!  We all have our own color so it is easy to see who is doing what at a moments notice.  I could see introducing this to students when mapping out a research project...what needs to be done when and Google Calendar will send you email reminders!!  LOVE THAT FEATURE!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thing # 6 Productivity Tools

I kept trying things.... so here it goes....
ifttt - great concept.  I loved the ideas of "recipes".  I read through some and tried a few out but I think I need to come up with some tasks I need done.  Not quite sure how I would apply it to school.  Now that I know it exists and is quite easy I might go back and put it to work.  I did add when a new books is added to Kindle Top 100 free ebooks that it send me an email but I soon found out it was UK Amazon....not available in the US!  So I stopped those emails!
Evernote - signed up...tried it out....a bit of frustration ensued!  I have a student who saw me using it and claims she loves it so she will be giving me a tutorial this week....hopefully I will learn to love it too!
DROPBOX - love the idea of it especially since I cannot access my work files at home...but it did not want to work at school so I will revisit this when my tech guys figure out what the problem is!
IDoneThis - I thought this was genious!!  Especially the daily email reminders...this will save many trees...I create to do lists on good old fashioned post-it notes!  I thought it would be great to set up my keep them on track with research projects...until the price tag hit me...$30 a year per student...YIKES!
Workflowy - My first impression...I really loved the idea but thought it was almost too simple....lacking some bells & whistles especially after looking at IDoneThis.   I gave it a try and created "to do" lists for work, home, my daughters etc... I am a believer!  It was a great organizer...I start my day opening  it up checking off what I accomplished...add new tasks....awesome!  Not sure that I would use it with my students....still thinking about that!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thing #5 Social BookMarking & Curation Tools

Category 1:  Social Book Marking   I took a look at both Delicious & Diigo.  Diigo was tough...seemed like there were many more features but I just couldn't spend the time trying to figure out how it worked.  Delicious was much more intuitive.  Loved its easy of use and the fact that it had pinterest clones. I would like to use it with my students...have them set up accounts and collect their research.  I would like to create a new stack of links for them to stop shopping but not sure how to give them access.
Category 2:  Curation   LOVE LOVE LOVE Pinterest....but it only aides in my procrastination!!    I loved the very visual nature of it...a great tool for organizing/planning/designing just about anything!  I did not create my own but have turned into quite the Pinterest Stalker.... I am looking for ways people have incorporated these tools into their libraries/classrooms.
Category 3: Content Aggregators  I have not jumped on the iPad or iPhone bandwagon....I like my old school cell phone....but I did check out  I find myself going back to it....I love the quick view...very much like browsing a magazine.  Again...time is an issue.  I can't see putting one together myself but I was interested in what everyone else had up there....Now is the time for Libraries

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thing # 4 RSS

I started with igoogle...loved adding gadgets and changing the theme and I finally added tabs so I can have one for home, work and my kids- nice to have everything in one place for quick glance.  I just have to remind myself that I have it to use.  It is a great organizer and timesaver.  But I was also easily distracted with fun stuff like the world web cam!  I can't quite get a grip on how to share it with my students...if I set one up with them in mind.  I need more time to play around.  I couldn't add the cool tools for school site....
I am still a total Twitter failure...hopefully I will have time to go and revisit to see what I am missing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thing #2 Digital Storytelling & Presentation tools...

I have moved on to Things 3, 4 & 5 but I keep going back to Thing #2....I love playing with all of these tools!  I started out as an elementary teacher so as I explored these tools I keep stopping to send them to teachers I worked with in the middle school and elementary school.  My high school students made some  animoto videos for the library web page...great book trailers.  They also made "historical" voki figures.  I keep going back to the elementary & middle school students & teacher who I think will make use of these tools...this is my first year in the high school so I haven't quite found my footing.  We have used Prezi previously but I find I get awful motion sickness from it!  LOL  I am working on a project using glogster....using the Read Posters the students in our PhotoShop class create with teachers in the much to do.... so little time!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thing #3 Twitter Challenge

I'm not sure I can get into Twitter...reminds me of the chat rooms of years ago...jumping into someone else's conversation....trying to figure out where they are coming from.  I certainly see the use and the purpose....but I guess choosing to follow the right tweet for you is the challenge!

Friday, January 6, 2012


I have been looking at all the things I want to do...the technology I want to incorporate....the blog and website I want to keep fresh and current and I feel like I am drowning.  After 13 years...this is my first year with no aide in the library.... in a new library.  I am loving all the presentation much fun but how is everyone getting it all done....   glug glug glug