Friday, January 6, 2012


I have been looking at all the things I want to do...the technology I want to incorporate....the blog and website I want to keep fresh and current and I feel like I am drowning.  After 13 years...this is my first year with no aide in the library.... in a new library.  I am loving all the presentation much fun but how is everyone getting it all done....   glug glug glug


  1. It's hard to keep all those balls in the air at once. I know the feeling. Don't let this program overwhelm you. Do what you can, when you can. Every little bit counts!

  2. I agree with Polly, Jen. There is so much out there you need to really pick and choose what you want to become familiar with and use with your students or personally.
    I'm glad you are hanging in there. There is so much to learn from your colleagues.
