Monday, May 12, 2014

Thing 19: Online Learning & DIY PD

I have to start by saying...I need more hours in a day or atleast some staff in my library to help with clerical stuff so I can develop some great PD for my department!!!  In our district we are often stuck with PD/workshops that have nothing to do with the library.  I have had the opportunity to teach some PD sessions and really enjoyed it.  I have been able to open the eyes of my staff as to what the library can do for them.  Some of the teachers really had no, databases, ebooks....we have it all!
After I read the articles about 20% time and Genius Hour I have my motivation for my summer work.  With all the talk about the importance of student directed learning I am going to develop a plan to incorporate this - using the book Passion-Driven Classroom by Maiers & Sandoval.  Our day is based on four Blocks on a rotating Day 1 and Day 2 schedule and I believe it will suit this movement quite well!
As I looked into developing the DIY Professional eyes were opened to Twitter!  I knew how it work...I knew all my students were on it but I really just saw it as another social media facebook   and do I really need to know that you are doing laundry while eating hagen daas at midnight!!
But Twitter really has value...I was so thrilled to see all of the educators sharing their resources.  I loved that you don't really need to can just lurk! It is such a great way to connect that I am writing a brief article for our teacher newsletter trying to entice teachers to sign-up on Twitter.  I loved Twitter4teachers.
I also signed up for Emerging Technology and Tech Tools - again I don't participate but I am always finding things to try out and take a look at...I am starting to feel guilty about not adding my two cents!  LOL
MOOCS is something that I looked into last summer and always seems like such a great idea but then when I found something the timing never seemed to work out.  I love the idea and all the different avenues it opens up not only for teachers but for our students.  I have tried out EdX...there was nothing library related but I did follow up on an art history course and a Jazz Appreciation course.  Both were archived courses but you can view all of the materials - watch the videos and audit the course when you are done.  Again...I just wish I had more time in a day!
So I am now writing a proposal to see if some of these fabulous opportunitites for meaningful learning will get us the PD credit they so deserve!

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